Friday, November 03, 2006

I'm not boring, am I? I blame it on my childhood. I was always the neglected one

For Alex and Mikhael and whomever else needs them:

Moss Stem:




While most of my day is not worth mentioning, I did hear some good news today. Apparently Footloose is getting a costume coordinator to make all of the end decisions on all of the costumes for every dance in the school, so that we don't have a repeat of previous years. I was very happy to hear this, because I personally hope that this year's group costume is not as bad as last year's. My solo I'm not too worried about because I'll probably buy most of it myself. Also, costumes will be cheaper this year, so for once it might cost me less than two hundred to purchase my costumes.

I need to start writing my French oral this weekend.

And as an added bonus, here is my ceramics project so far:

The eyelids need to be fixed, a lot, but other than that, it's coming along nicely. Mine so far is much better than anybody else in my class, because ceramics is the one thing that I can do in my art class that other people can't. Oh art, how I hate you.

Sabot's fortieth tomorrow.

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