Sunday, September 02, 2007

Strippers in Stereo

Well, it's official that school starts tomorrow: I turned on my school-time alarm again.


Friday started off with a trip to Grace, who was very excited to see me again. She gave my hair a trim, added some texture, and nearly bankrupted herself because of the amount of product she put in my hair. Mom and I went bra shopping and ate Japanese in the Coquitlam Centre food court. We walked through H&M, but mom didn't seem as excited as I was, so we didn't stay long. Beckie and I have agreed that as soon as we both have a Sunday off we're spending it at H&M.

I had work that evening. It was actually quite peaceful closing, but I was exhausted and the family was late picking me up.

Saturday I worked again. Despite there being a giant sale on, it was pretty slow. I wasn't feeling very well for the first couple hours, but then Mikhael came to buy things and I forgot about that and my boredom. He bought me Timbits and a Coke, despite the fact that I specifically requested an iced tea, then came over for an hour to pick beans.

Yesterday Erin and I watched Whose Line is it Anyway? Sketches on YouTube and ate Annie's. I put the top part of my hair in little pigtails to keep it out of my face and ended up looking like something out of Dr Seuss, but I didn't mind one bit.

Today I watched the entire last season of Canada's Next Top Model on Citytv. Nobody I want to win ever wins.

Oh, and we watched two movies this weekend. The first one was Blades of Glory, because the rest of the family hadn't seen it yet. We watched most of the bonus features after, something we never do. The second one was He Died with a Felafel in his Hand, and it was seriously fucked. Something about all of those manic-depressive Australians just didn't sit with me.

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