Saturday, December 31, 2005

The end is near.

I really have nothing to say about this past year. 2005 was a year of great change for me. I moved into this shithole where I am currently living, spent the year living on a floor, spent a couple hours a day commuting to and from school, went through a lot of stress because of my move and the commute, and because of that, finally learned what it's like to get less than near-perfect grades. Socially my life was crappy at the beginning of the year, but it has improved since then. I got a love-life. I have found a lot of new friends since September. I spent a lot more time on the computer and on msn to talk to my new friends because physically hanging out with them is usually impossible because of where I live.

I am letting this year go with a feeling of apathy. 2005 could be arguably considered either good or bad for me. Emotionally I did not have a good day today and I hope that it will not affect me in the coming year.

I wish the best of the season to you all.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Why the hell did he just blow on me? Oh...

It's my parent's twenty-eighth anniversary, so I will probably not post anything later, as we will be going out for dinner. Mom and I received our first Hep A immunizations about an hour ago; mom got tetanus also. We are leaving for the VAG pretty soon, and we will continue on to dinner after that.

I need to go get changed. What I'm wearing is too casual. Goodbye.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Don't kick me. The only reason why you would be allowed to kick me is if I provoked you, which I didn't. Dad did.

Today we had an IKEA breakfast, which was okay, but not as good as the last time I had it. Nevertheless, we set out afterwards to spend our usual one hundred plus dollars at the store (we fell a little short this time) and took pictures of things that we felt were interesting, like this:

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Afterwards we visited my cousins and dropped off their presents. Erin and I spent some time playing with Garrett, who I think is slowing down a bit now that she is three, as well as Kendall, who can stand now, but has yet to walk. She does have really pretty eyes though:

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Tonight my family went to Stanley Park to ride the train and see all the lights. We went because Erin wanted to go and it's been seven or eight years since we last went. We got there around six or six-thirty, but there were so many people wanting to ride the trains that we could only get tickets for the nine-thirty to ten time slot, the last one of the day. Because of this, we also got tickets to the petting zoo/farm thing. Inside the farm ther were a lot of really docile chickens that you could just walk up to and pet. People were having fun talking to the turkey who was wandering around. Erin flashed the turkey (with her camera) and I told her to stop, or else she might have the horny goat after her (seriously, it had four horns). In the reptile/bird room we saw two turtles having turtle sex, which left me wondering what kind of farm these Stanley Park people were running. After we had killed forty minutes there, we wandered around and looked at some of the light displays, then headed back to the van because it had started raining. While there we played a few rousing games of cribbage (Erin actually only played one, then fell asleep beside me) and yelled at the idiots who were parked on either side of us who kept on banging their doors against our vehicle. After a while I convinced everyone to get up, and we walked back to the are with the lights, bought some roasted chestnuts because none of us had ever tried them before, and got into line. Being in the line wasn't too exciting, except that mom tried to choke on a churro and Erin got a small piece of chestnut in her eye and it wouldn't come out. Eventually we got onto a train and got to see all of the lights, which really were quite nice. There was even a Nightmare Before Christmas display, complete with Jack and Zero. On our way out I saw this:

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It made me happy.

On the way home we listened to the wonderful sound of Jack Johnson, which was happy too, and I guess that brings me up to now.

I am going to bed now. Goodnight.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

AHHH! Straight teeth!

I really haven't done anything today. We rented Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because Erin hadn't seen it yet, as well as a Swedish movie that we saw last week and thought might be good. We saw Ryan again, and he had his braces off, which might have been why he was so happy today. We just finished watching CatCF.

Tomorrow we are finally going to go visit our grandmother and the rest of my mother's side of the family. I am the only one who is the least bit happy about this for some reason.

That is all for now. Goodnight.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Yay! A frilly skirt!

Okay, so we never made it to visit the family. The van just happened to break down about a block and a half away from our house. Nevertheless, we were planning to make a detour to Save-On Foods anyways, so we just walked the rest of the way there. I can't remember why we went there, only that at the was this total grungey, typical Maple Ridgian guy there with his daughter, who looked to be around twelve, who was yelling at the woman behind the counter and gesturing at a doll house. Nothing exciting there. We did whatever at Save-On, then mom suggested Starbucks, which we all enthusiastically agreed to.

At Starbucks we called a tow truck, but because they said that it would take them an hour to get there, we decided to explore the "mall" we were in (it can hardly be considered a mall) and finally found ourselves at London Drugs. Mom and Dad ended up buying a camera, which made me a little upset, because it's a Nikon CoolPics L1, just came out a few weeks ago, better than mine sort of camera, and I know that in six months, I have used my camera more than they will ever use theirs. While they were buying it I gazed longingly at the Olympus Stylus 600, which is the next one up from my camera. It's basically the same, but it's six megapixs as opposed to my five, has twenty-six settings, as opposed to my twenty, and it's slightly thinner. The worst thing, however, is that my parents' camera, although better was over a hundred dollars cheaper than mine even without the boxing day sale price, and they got a five hundred twelve MegaByte memory card on sale for forty-eight dollars, less twenty percent. I bought mine for one hundred, less ten percent.

I finally got a microphone for my computer. Mom's been promising me one for almost a year.

We walked back to our van and waited for the tow truck. When it came we directed it to a nearby autoshop (there are about five within a two block radius of our home; I'm not kidding) and started walking home. Erin upset me with comments about my cat, so I borrowed mom's keys and walked home, leaving everyone else to wait for the tow truck to arrive. When I got home I installed all the new software...and that's it.

Today my parents decided that Erin and I needed a bit of fresh air. I was all dressed up in my new green corduroy peacoat and black corduroy paperboy hat. They dragged us to the other nearby mall (the one across the street from the first one) where they have a Zellers. I got a lot of stares in the mall because apparently I was dressed weirdly, including this really short guy who seemed to be in his thirties, who walked in front of us for a few minutes, but kept on looking back at me (I'd love to see him walk into PMSS, he'd probably have a heartattack). At Zellers we bought coathangers. Yes, coathangers. Apparently that was the whole point of our little excursion. We decided to check out the rest of the mall, even though I have already done that. We went to Black Bond books, and although I saw many books that I would like, including the new Stuart McLean that we didn't buy when we went to see him a few weeks ago, but nobody listened to me. We checked out a few of the clothing stores, but didn't buy anything.

I'm going to go play cards now. Goodbye.

Monday, December 26, 2005

A man's home is his castle...until the Queen arrives (taken from a pillow at Windsor Castle)

Yesterday was okay.

I managed to drag myself out if bed at around nine despite staying up until one-thirty and having random cats jumping on me all night. Mom and dad had just gotten up and I soon got Erin out of bed, although there was talk from dad of putting Erin's hand in lukewarm water to see what happened. We opened our stockings, where inside there were some random chocolatey things and some lottery tickets (I only won a toonie, damnit). There seemed to be a lot more presents under our tree this year than in any of the last five years or so. I got a lot of clothing this year, a green, corduroy, pea-coat style jacket, a pair of pajamas (yay, Costco), that stretch-knit loungewear set from Costco, a Japanese-style silk shirt (which is really nice, too bad it's a tad bit too small, though it did make me look really skinny),three pairs of socks (somewhat nondescript, but whatever), and a scarf that came from the same store that mom bought Megan's birthday present. Erin got the same scarf and a pair of pajamas also. For some odd reason everyone in my family got their own towels, though that might have been so we stop fighting over whose belong to whom. Mine are a pale greenish yellow. I also got three books, including one by Jack Kerouac, and a complete two-book FarSide archive (again, yay Costco). I got a one-egg sized frying pan (inside family sort of joke, nobody but Erin and I will probably get it). Perhaps one of my favourite presents was the matching chicken earrings and necklace that I got from mom. I saw them at the CircleCraft craft fair (that really high-end one where dad wouldn't let me buy that really cool purse) and kind of fell in love with them, but didn't buy them because I believe the earrings alone cost around eighty-five dollars.

Nobody else got anything really exciting. This wasn't a year for memorable presents, rather I think that we were just trying to make up for last year.

Today we are meeting my grandmother (the other one), my aunt and uncle and my cousins for a post Christmas, buy Chinese food from Hons and eat it sort of dinner. We bought the cousins an outfit each, and we also bought Kendall a stuffed blue zebra.

I have to go now. I'll talk more tomorrow.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Stick Boy noticed that his Christmas tree looked healthier than he did...

Merry Christmas, kids.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

*Smack* "I Christen thee awake!" "Piss off." *Smack* "I Christen thee awake!" "Piss off."

Today I went to visit my grandmother Brown-John. We took her some nice smelling shampoo and conditioner like we do around this time every year, and also a set of five novels for her to read. We picked up a copy of Waking Ned Devine along the way to watch with her. All was fine and dandy until the movie was over and we had to sit there and talk for a couple hours after it was finished. I like my grandmother and all, but she's terribly boring. She gave us Christmas presents too. Three jars of homemade soup mix that she bought a few days ago, two Hersheys Sidekicks bars for my sister in a box that "You can take the lid off and put it back on," and a bag of candy and a pair of earrings for me. I think that Erin got the better present out of this. My bag of candy consisted of a candy cane, three chocolate balls and a crumbled shortbread cookie, and the earrings can only be classified as gaudy old-lady earrings. To add insult to injury, they were clip-on. Nevertheless, I accepted them with a smile and a thank you, then proudly showed them off to my mother, who put on a fake smile and murmured something about how beautiful they were. When we got home I immediately stuck them on dad's ears. They actually didn't look too bad on him.

Anyone need old-lady pearl earrings for a costume or something?

Friday, December 23, 2005

"I want a hippopotamus for Christmas...Only a hippopotamus will doooooooo..."

Today my family went to see Santa Claus at the mall, like we do every year. We had a nice talk with Santa about different types of cameras, then we split up to do some Christmas shopping. I did not end up seeing Joel at the mall, he was the reason why we had our pictures taken today and not yesterday, but I believe that he was just hiding away behind the wall of the photo pick-up centre. We bought some presents, including an outfit for each of my cousins. My mom told me the basics of silver soldering and promised to show me how to do it very soon.

I think that's it for now. Goodnight.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Happy Blogversary to me.

It has been exactly a year since I started this blog. This is my two hundred and seventy-sixth post. I am very proud of myself, just like I was when I completely filled my first journal, which was actually my fifteenth. This blog has seen so many major changes in my life. No sooner did I start it, then my computer was packed away for two weeks. I faithfully posted in my blog after I moved, commenting whenever something important in our renovations happened, such as the completion of the bathroom, so I could stop washing my hair in the laundryroom sink, and the neverending hope that one day, we will get a dishwasher.

At first I was the only one who ever read this blog. I didn't tell my friends about it. This meant that I could post whatever I wanted...mainly some completely depressing posts and some really bad poetry. After a while I started letting people know, and people started reading. This meant that they could get a basic knowledge of my life without me telling them because there really was no telling when I would go into one of my depressive moods.

I used to actually put effort into making my posts sound good. It's sad that I don't do this anymore. For example, look at this excerpt from January 28th, 2005, two days after my beloved ParkHouse was torn down:

My old house was torn down on Wednesday. I ran by it yesterday and had to stop and stare at it for a while. They filled in the hole, and left all of the trees around it. It was weird to not have that old house there anymore, and I couldn't help thinking of how small it was. I suppose that it would have been harder on me if I had actually seen it wrecked or even seen the rubble. I felt oddly calm about it, as if it was some other house that I had just remembered seeing there, and not the house that I had been living in for thirteen and a half years.

Isn't that way better than the crap I write now? And it's not like I had more time on my hands then than I do now. I'm just getting lazier, I guess...

That was a particularly painful entry. I hadn't planned to go for a run to Rocky Point the day before. It just happened...

This blog was there for all my rants. Mostly I ranted about school, my knee and this shithole that I currently live in. It was there for the whole L'environnement fiasco (I'll never forgive that French Bitch), that time I got kicked out of the library for not talking (I still think that that woman was discriminating against me because I was the only Caucasian person there), the whole me being a lawyer during that trial in English, and the time when I couldn't talk for three days straight because I accidentally ate a vinaigrette with kiwi juice in it.

This blog was there when I finally got contacts on April 12, 2005. It's not actually mentioned, but I was very happy that day and the next, when I got to go to school and see how many people didn't notice.

My blog was there when my cousin, Kendall was born and I ranted about how my aunt and uncle always choose stupid names for their children. It was there for the death of my Great-Uncle to liver cancer. He was always such a nice man. It was also there for one more death. My mother's father will get no more mention than this.

This blog also went through a few changes. It started out looking exactly like Katie's blog, then I spent some time playing with the font and colours, and finally a couple months ago, it evolved into what you see now. Not much of a change, but it's better than it was.

This blog got me through the stress of exams last year. Hidden somewhere inside are some helpful study tips and also some ways to temporarily get the thought of exams off your mind to keep at least some of your sanity (listen to The Hives. I'm actually serious).

I think I'm done reminiscing for now. Check back in the next few days because I might have added some stuff.

On to today:

Erin and I decorated our Christmas tree today. Here is a picture of it:

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It's not a very good picture, I know, but the lighting in this room is crappy. It took us a few hours. It doesn't look too bad, though not as good as it has been in previous years. You can't see our treetop in that picture, but it's a rare Santa treetop, that came with about half a dozen miniature identical Santa ornaments that are all on the tree. We started off decorating it with the multicoloured lights and the antique lights that decpict winter scenes and pointsettias. Then there was the ceremonial placing of the first ornament, which just happened to be the onion. Some other ornaments of mention are the schoolbus, which there are two of, the carrot, the little tiny Santa that is about twenty-five years old, the two pickles, different of course, the red pepper, the carrot, the toaster with matching toast, the frogprince, and the balls with portraits of Erin and I handpainted on them. This is my favourite one:

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Christmas 1991

This was painted according to a picture of me throwing spaghetti around. There's about a dozen of them in all, about six of them have me painted on them.

We put glass bells on the bottom branches of the tree so that we know when there's cats near the tree.

That's enough about the tree.

An update on my room: It now has a curtain over the window. And it's messy already:

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Oh well.

I think that I'm done here for tonight. Happy blogversary to me.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

We're clever, but we're clueless...We're just human...

Guess what?

I have a bedroom! Finally after eleven months of sleeping of the livingroom floor, I get to sleep in my own bed again. We just put in the floor today. The walls are actually a little darker then they seem in the picture below. My bed is the one on the left. Both Erin's and mine are antiques. The window is brand new, just added last weekend. Sally looks a little clueless in this picture, but that's her all the time, so it doesn't really matter:

Can you tell that I'm excited? The livingroom seems now.

In other news, I went skating today. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought, although originally I only went for the same reason as Krisha: we thought that more people would be coming. Oh well, it was nice to see Amber again.

I think that I am going to go to bed now. I am in a considerably less happy mood than I was when I started this post.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"Please don't drink and drive. Please don't drink and drive. Please don't drink and drive..."

I haven't updated for a few days now, but I've been surprisingly busy. On Saturday I hung out with dad at home because my mom had to work and Erin had a six hour exam. We went into Coquitlam to pick them up, and visited my cousin for a couple hours (who I think is slowing down a bit, even though she spent the whole time running around and screaming). My dad spent about half the time playing with Kendall, who is about nine months old now and a lot more mobile than she was when I last saw her. Garrett gave mom, Erin and I permission to eat part of her birthday cake (Dora the Explorer themed, of course). She also has new nicknames for a few of us. She is Dora. Her mother is Diego, Dora's friend. I am Teacher, although I have no idea why. Erin is still being called Abby. Collectively we are both Abby. Brad, her father, is Daddy Princess.

On a somewhat similar note, my dear Auntie Evelyn McIntyre (not blood related, thank god) has written up the story of my Great Grandparents, Alec and Ella McIntyre. You can tell that she used to be a schoolteacher. A six year old could read it. For example:

"Alec liked to jog. He was always jogging. He would jog to the post office to pick up the mail. He would jog to the fields to collect the cows...

Jog Alec, Jog.
Funny funny Alec..."


"All the cows were big and mean and didn't like going into the corral every night. It wasn't easy, but somehow Alec always managed to get them in..."

My grandmother's response: "Yeah, with giant whips. He could get those bastards moving by whipping them."

I love my grandmother.

On Sunday my family went "shopping". We went to the Austin Diner for a really cheap breakfast, to Costco for various groceries and Hep A immunizations for my mom and me, then we went to the Ridge Meadows Shopping area thingy and spent a few hours there. Our first stop was HomeSense. My dad loves that store because it’s full of useless stuff that nobody ever wants. That's where we got that cat goblet, and it's where my parents got the lunch box and fish on a stick for the School District 43 councilor’s annual Christmas Party and gift exchange. We didn't find anything really interesting, but that might have been because Erin wasn't very into it. I think that she’s getting old. Next to HomeSense was Winners, so of course we had to go there to laugh at and try on hideous clothing that we would never buy. Erin found a rather nice jacket that fit me, so I bought it. It’s sort of in a Modern-Yet-WWII-Military style. We checked out Jysk after that, but wasn’t much there that was interesting, only a pig that danced to My Girl that my mom wouldn’t let me buy. We took a break for coffee after that. I had a caramel macchiato. We went to Pier 1 Imports after our break, where we bumped into Robin Kenny, a former Girl Guide leader (her daughter received her Canada Cord the same year as Erin), who apparently now works at Pier 1. We bought a stuffed blue zebra for Kendall for Christmas. After that we decided we were done, so we went home. Erin and I were immediately forced into sorting bags for the Think of Me campaign, and I managed to salvage about a third of them by adding positive anti-drinking messages or changing the messages of a few. Some pictures unsalvageable rejects are on Erin’s blog.

Yesterday Erin and I finished sorting the bags and dad Erin and I bought a Christmas tree which we are going to set up on Thursday. I don’t remember what else we did, only that I was in an unusually good mood for most of the day.

Today we ordered a turkey, which I am not very happy about because I hate turkey. I miss the days when we had salmon for Christmas dinner. We bought mom a bunch of British food, candy, etc. for Christmas, which we are going to wrap up individually and leave all over the house for her to find on Christmas day. We had sushi for lunch, dropped off the bags to various liquor stores, and went to Starbucks to celebrate. We went to the park house to wait for mom's train to arrive. Erin and I fought...wrestled...over the possession of the couch, which I finally won because Erin is that much more ticklish than I am. I spent the next twenty minutes sleeping. We came home after we picked up mom.

That brings me up to now. Tomorrow I am going to help dad and Erin put in the lino in our bedroom so we can finally move in and I can finally have a real bed again. It’s been eleven months. After that we can set up the Christmas tree because we will actually have room for it in the living room. I have a feeling that it will just be me decorating it again this year because that is what happened during Christmas’s 2002 and 2003. Each year it took me a really long time too. We have boxes of ornaments and almost every one of them is unique. Last year we didn’t have a tree because we were moving. Tomorrow I am also going to go skating with SUS, Krisha, Megan, Faaria, Siobhan, Amber and whoever else may be coming. I hate skating. I am going to go because I want to see my friends again. I also want to get out of this shithole for a few hours.

I am going to go to bed now. Goodnight.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

"My pwesents! MINE!"

Happy birthday Katie, my Cambodian, I mean, Australian friend. I hope you're having a wonderful day, because I believe it's still December seventeenth in Australia right now.

On the other hand, the Child from Hell turns three today. I get to hang out with her for a few hours (Kill me now!). I'll try to remember to take some pictures, but Miss Garrett is a bit of a camera whore, so I try not to bring it out when she's around.

I'm going to bed now. Goodnight.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Being a transvestite in Afghanistan is pointless.

Today's post is all about presents. Tomorrow I will talk about my day, which turned out to be very interesting...

Anyways, presents. I must say that the best gift that I received today, and one of the best that I've ever received from a friend, was an empty box from SUS, for what is more useful than an empty box? As SUS said today in block four, "What's important is not the box, but what's in the box, which is nothing. It cost me a dollar by the way." I then opened my box to see this:

Apparently it took her two hours to paint. She also painted boxes for Megan, Krisha, Sue, Maryanne, Tiff, Rhena and three other people. Each one was personalized.

I also received an inordinate amount of candy canes today from various people. I gave the one that I got from Faaria to Jamie, because I suddenly remembered that I hadn't gotten him a gift, and the last card that I made for him was a threat card. Siobhan gave me perfume and some of her dad's homemade candy, which was a nice break from my mom's somewhat similar homemade candy, which was basically what I survived on all day.

I personally gave out thirteen Christmas Cards with somewhat long, personalized messages.

The most interesting present received today except for the empty box, was given to my mom during the School District 43's annual Christmas Party and gift exchange. My parent's contributions were a vintage lunchbox depicting an old advertisement about bran being good for your bowels, and a fish on a stick. But I think that my mother got the best present of all from that gift exchange:

The inside cover reads:

At last, the book the world has been waiting for. This is my life.

Here between the covers of one beautiful book are answers to the questions which you and your loved ones have been asking for years. What was my childhood like? My schooldays? What was my relationship with my two brothers? How did I meet my future bridesmaid, Madge Allsop? How, in Heaven's name, did I become the terrified prisoner of the Nazis in the early years of the Second World War? What did a horrible ethnic type of person once show me in a lonely Melbourne park which caused me to run for my life with my heart in my mouth? How did I meet Norm? Was he the first? What happened on my wedding night? (This chapter even surprised me.) How did I cope with motherhood, superstardom - and bereavement? Why is my talented son Kenny still unmarried? Why has my daughter Valmai gone off the rails? What is life like in the megastar community?

This is a woman's book that men will love. It's a human interest story that Martians could go along with. It is scorchingly imtimate, yet it's a book you could leave on the bedside of a troubled teenager - with good effect. It is a show-biz autobiography, a housewife's diary, a chunk of history, a hymn to life.

I hope this publication does not cause me to lose my mystery but it is my way of saying 'thank you' to Dame Nature for making me a Megastar. Buying it, reading it, adoring it will be your way of saying 'thank you' to me.

THANK YOU DAME EDNA! I have been asking these questions that you just outlined all my life. I am a troubled teenager in need of your infinite wisdom. Tell me what it's like to be a Megastar! My martian friend wants to read it too. This is a real chunk of history, Edna, because you have changed the world by publishing this. I can't wait to read this beautiful book!

Sounds like a best-seller.

I am actually going to read it. Seriously.

But I might skip the part about Edna's wedding night. If it even surprised her, I don't even want to know.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Today was that concert at Riverside. I wish I hadn't gone.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Cream of Gumbo Soup.

Nothing interesting to say today. Mom and dad were on one of those carol ships in False Creek tonight. Dance was tiring because I am sick and bitchy.

The parents bought fair trade coffee. It smells good.

Bill Nye movie in science could cause seizures. Ciolfitto played with one of those static electricity ball things and made her hair stand on end. Everyone wanted me to do it because my hair is long, but I said no.

I have choir tomorrow. I'm going to bed. A post somewhere in the near future should be more interesting than this.

Today's subliminal message


I'm not critical...

Monday, December 12, 2005

"It's not an angle, it's a *waves hand around*" (Denis, if you read this, I want you to play jazz bassoon from now on. I don't care what you think.)

After careful consideration of the soccer game played in block one today by all the girls in our PE class, I am forced to conclude that my team was better. Oh sure, the other team won, but those five goals to our two was just a fluke. That's right, a fluke every time. I couldn't help letting those goals in; the game was so boring that I was falling asleep. I hate being in goal. I much prefer defense, not that I'm much better at that, but nobody else wanted to be in goal. Bastards. And Tena was distracting me with her hair. She wouldn't stop fixing it and bitching about it; I mean, I do that too, but not during PE. Of course, it didn't matter who won, because we still had the best female player in our PE class on our team, Marianne (not Schwartz, the other one), and even though she wasn't that good either, she was still the best. And who's team could be complete without Natasha (first time all day that I've gotten her name right; it's really pathetic) screaming every five seconds? I'm seriously not kidding. Also, on both teams, it really didn't matter who it was, if someone got the ball, they would stop it and wait until someone from the opposing team was in their way before they tried to do anything.

I'm not being critical, I swear I'm not.

Okay, I am being critical, but the above part of this post was running through my mind during PE, and not during the most critical part of my day, the District Choir Show-Off Thingy...whatever it was supposed to be called. But I will get to that later.

In block two I hung out with Alex, Mao, Brian and some guy who's name I don't know. Nothing really memorable happened, except that Mao had a bag full of candy canes and she let me have some. I am now addicted.

I was hyper in advisory, funny how that happens, and Jordan, Daniel, Shane, Nicole and I discussed the alcohol that we've consumed among other things (meaning I don't remember anythingh else that we talked about, but I'm going to pretend that I do), and I kept yelling across the room to Jamie about the time he insulted me while we were at our locker, and I yelled something about hypothetical tears at him.

In block three we did a lab on static electricity (much sexual innuendo involved; Katie will be sorry she missed it. Very sorry.) and I refused to touch the animal fur because I hate the feel. Mao and Muffin were playing with the ping pong ball thing, and they wouldn't stop.

I don't remember much about block four. I do remember Yuki saying something about how trees couldn't grow on angles, and when DeVita disagreed, he asked why a tree would grow at an angle, to which I replied, "Because it felt like it. Obviously." I know, not that funny, but I'm usually lacking in brain cells when it comes to math.

Nothing memorable in block five. Lots of notes and textbook questions and things.

After school I went on a walk with Jaime, but I was feeling all paranoid and I was convinced that he was out to kill me. My dad picked me up after a while and we went to that Subway in PoCo for dinner, my dad giving me a lecture on the consequences of taking E. I got changed for the choir thing in the van, and he dropped me off at Riverside, making some joke to Ms Gaye about how he could at least get me to the evening choir things on time (meh, I'm the only one in junior choir with a legitimate excuse for being late every practice). All the choirs that were participating were squished in one small room, although I guess that it was the most problematic for our choir, ours having at least twenty more people than the next largest choir. I took lots of random pictures of people (I tried to take as many of Omar as I could before he made me stop. I know, I am pathetic) and yelled a lot. I stuck near Jordan because he is bigger than me and could fight his way through the crowds. We got to sit on the balcony, where I sat on a table and was being critical of every group that went up (dancing mentality, I swear), mainly complaining if their bass section was weak and laughing at their costumes, I mean uniforms. Pinetree's were the ugliest(the white short with the paint splotch thingys), followed by Riverside (seriously, green silk blouses and long black skirts, and the guys had to wear tux's...ewwww).

Right now I am currently putting off the rest of my homework until tomorrow (so tired), but I did do some of it, which is more than Megan said that she would do. So there.

I'm going to bed or something.


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Silent films are full of sound...

My weekend was pretty good. On Saturday Jaime came over for a few hours; we went for sushi and gelato, then I tried unsuccessfully for a few hours to make him go away because I am that nice. Today I stayed at home and played computer solitaire all day, because I didn't want to talk to anyone. I love apathy.

Right now I am trying to convince my friend, Mia, to stop avoiding my friend Greg and to go out with him. This is really starting to piss me off.

Oh god, I'm such a hypocrite.


I'm really tired right now. Just like this cat who is currently taking up most of my bed:

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I think that I'm going to go follow her example. Goodnight.

Friday, December 09, 2005

You have a purple feather stuck to your ass.

I know, I'm so predictable.

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Your Thoughts on the Power Outage

"It makes everything so exciting to have the lights out... It's like an action movie... Any minute now, the bad guy will come bursting through the door... It'll be up to us to defend the class, Abby, just us... Really, I think that they should turn the lights out every day, just to give us something to look forward to."

"Don't you see, Megan? SHE's the bad guy. She's going to murder us all with her crappy Eastern European accent and that giant nose. She will try to smother me with her sweater; I know she will."

"I actually think that she's quite pretty... The accent is rather grating though..."

"But Megan, the giant nose! It's almost bigger than that guy's from that French movie, who was in love with his cousin."

"Cyrano? Oh Abby, it is not."

"It is too."

*Megan rolls her eyes*


In other news, Tim the cartoon guy is HAWT. It's too bad that he's not human.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep."
"I get what you're saying."

Science can be so pointless sometimes.

I want gum.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

"...Everyone laughed at her joke, as if they had never even heard it before..."

Today in block two I hung out with Mao, Alex Chen, Alex Dolotov, Brian, and Alim. I also told Jung exactly what I thought of his hair. It really should have stayed black. Mao made her little confession, which for some reason I found hilarious, and I got a picture of Alex Dolotov smiling. I was discussing Pink Floyd with the Alex's and Alim. We made fun of Alex Chen's ghetto cell phone. And his giant sandwich. Today was also the second time I've gotten kicked out of the library for not talking.

Today has been very emotionally not-happy. And I've been really tired all day. I was sleeping all the way to school.

The Stuart McLean Christmas Special at the Orpheum last night was really good. Stuart told three stories about Dave, one of them new, and told a story about his childhood, as well as a story exchange. The music was pretty good, although I kept on trying to fall asleep during the violinist.

We also started square dancing yesterday in PE. It actually was kind of fun, just because our group of eight was pretty good. My partner the whole time was Joel. In block two Beckie, Katie, Kelly and I spent half an hour doing even more square dancing (we couldn't convince Mao to join us), and when we had to do that switching partner thing, so that all the girls got to dance with every guy, Beckie and I were calling each other sluts, and whores etc. for being with all the other guys (oh so mature of us). We got bonus marks towards our PE marks (not that we need them). People think that we are absolutely crazy, but whenever anyone said something and Beckie was there, she would point out that the teacher who asked us to join had asked two dancers to dance, and we couldn't refuse, me especially because I thought that I wasn't going to be dancing that night (forgot my shoes at home and I had to leave early anyways). I ended up borrowing shoes from John (not oxfords and a couple sizes too small, but I managed) and danced anyways.

This has been really poorly written, but I don't really care and I'm not going to apologize. So there. I'm tired. My parents have disappeared. My dad was supposed to pick my mom up from the train station an hour ago, but I haven't heard from either of them since he left.

Hey, tomorrow's Thursday. I think I'll go for a run after school if anyone will come with me...anyone?

Sunday, December 04, 2005

All of Europe had an orgy and out popped my family....haha, this is so true.

On Friday Erin and I went to Riverside Secondary to see my friend Greg in, Yes𘇍 No𘇍 Maybe𘇍 So..., a play written and directed by the students of Riverside. It was hilarious. The whole thing was about teenagers and sex. What was even better was that we bumped into Amelia, Alexis and a few of Alexis’s friends (one of whom had really nice hair; I think his name was Phil) and we all sat on the balcony and watched the play together. Afterwards we all ran around until we found him. He was so happy to see me. We haven’t seen each other since the end of August. Here is a picture of him in his pyjamas, and holding a condom:

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Afterwards we phoned my parents, who told us to walk to Starbucks. We got lost for about an hour and a half, then finally found the Starbucks, which ended up being about four blocks away from the school. Fifteen minutes after we got there we were kicked out, and being stuck outside on a December night, we did the only thing we could: took pictures of ourselves and each other.

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We were finally picked up about an hour and ten minutes after we were kicked out of Starbucks. It turns out that mom and dad went to go see a movie, but instead of the one that they were supposed to see, they saw Harry Potter instead. By then I was freezing my ass off and the battery in my camera was dying.

On Saturday, I was recruited into helping out up Christmas lights, and going on a mad search of the colours we needed when we ran out. That night I had a Christmas concert. The concert itself wasn’t memorable, but where the choir groups were hanging out three floors up...that’s where all the fun was. I hung out with, Megan, Mary, Austin, Jordan, Alex, Kayla, Katie, Omar and Stanley. I had my camera. It was fun. I like hanging out with people I know that I don’t normally hang out with. Here are some pics:

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Omar was actually being “cool” for once. All of us were yelling and telling jokes, and Jordan, Stanley, and Alex were throwing snowballs off the balcony...among other things:

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It was absolutely hilarious.

Today we had another concert. This one wasn’t as exciting as Saturday’s. We were put in a crappy little room with not enough chairs, and just wasn’t as interesting. I still took some pics, or rather, Katie took many of them:

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It was okay, but just not as fun. My ear was all screwy today and wasn’t popping, so I couldn’t hear myself properly, and I sounded tone-deaf. Afterwards I was supposed to hang out with Jaime, but my parents whisked me away, so I couldn’t. I am still sorry about that. We will hang out no matter what next weekend.

Right now my family is watching Rainman, starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. It’s not bad. I am going to go watch it now. Goodbye.

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Friday, December 02, 2005

...Some things you have to believe, but others are puzzles, puzzling me...

I think my street is bad luck.

Someone on this street, and always very near my house, passes away every year around Christmas. Two years ago it was Marcell, the nice old man across the street who carved sculptures and made birdhouses out of wood, and sold them to people that drove by. He passed on December twenty-fourth of cancer. Last year it was Gwen, my next door neighbour, who had a heart attack at her computer on December twenty-eighth. Her husband, Chris, is holding up quite well, raising his grandkids on his own, although we don't know how long he is going to last either, with his various medical conditions. After this incident last year, I wondered who it would be this year, and hoped that it wouldn't be from this house. It was. Our tenant's mother-in-law, who didn't actually live here, but was over babysitting the kids so often that it was like she did, passed away unexpectedly yesterday in hospital. What's even worse, is that our tenant, Susie, was two minutes late to the hospital. I don't really know any details because when we heard this morning, it was almost seven, and I needed to get to school for choir, which ended up being quite horrible anyways.

Tomorrow I will tell you about our current "science" project, pudding, and the play I saw at Riverside tonight that was about sex, plus what happened after the play.
